Almost all those who are dedicated to the prevention of occupational risks have made it driven by the situation.

By a cluster of circumstances.

Because there was an opportunity in the company or in the labor market ...

Because you develop well in cross projects ...

Because you are good at dealing with people ... because someone had to do it ...

We are not the exception.

On the way we have discovered that the march is going.

More than 10 years ago, we started to understand how technology helps you a lot not to have a thousand things on your head and work calmer.

Nobody said it was easy.

It is important to reach the goal ... and enjoy the road.

And you know what?

Our History
  • Areaseys and 6Conecta

    We go to the record. We got the first consulting customers and we launched the beta of 6 draft

    Areaseys is the name of the company. And 6conecta is the name of the product.

    If you find out where the 6 of 6 comes from, we invite you to a beer!


  • Contractors Management

    First stable version of 6Connect after some footwear. The technology is like that.


  • HS

    We launched the first HS modules

    As we said before, we are going on.


  • Electronic signature

    First version of Integrated Electronic Signature Solution in 6Conecta


  • HS Dashboard

    6conecta automation of indicators and control panel


  • 6conecta days

    Organization of the day. Commitment to preventive culture


  • Integration of processes and digital transformation

    Remote electronic signature, NFC


  • ISO 45.001.

    First projects of change and implementation of preventive management systems under this standard


  • Together we do not have limits

    Now the future ...


Do you want to give the digital jump in preventive management with 6conecta ? Go for it!
6conecta by AREASEYS

Everything you need in just one application.