These LEGAL TERMS, accessible at, are of general application by AREA DE SEGURIDAD Y SALUD, S.L. Authorized Users for access to the 6CONECTA application. Therefore, these Particular Conditions are intended to define the terms and conditions of access to the 6CONECTA Application.
These Particular Conditions can be printed and stored by the USERS (through the right button of the mouse, option 'print').


In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the identifying data of the owner of the PRIVATE AREA located at are:
Address: Calle Miguel Yuste, nº 17, 2nd Floor Office D. 28037 Madrid
CIF: B86150109
Telephone: +
Registered in the Madrid Mercantile Registry in Volume 28611, Folio 135, Section 8, Page M-515204, 1st Inscription.


These Particular Conditions include the terms and conditions of use of the 6CONECTA application.


AREASEYS grants the User a non-exclusive and non-transferable license to access the 6CONECTA application. These access and use authorizations provide the User with various user levels:
a) Administrator user, who may carry out all kinds of actions within his User Area.
b) Simple user: it only has the capacity to read, but not to create, load or delete information in the User Area.
The 6CONECTA application allows the storage and documentary preservation of the company's own documentation, its workers, its contractors and subcontractors, and other relevant documentation of the AREASEYS client company, favoring the management of information and the automation of processes. Likewise, you can authorize third-party users registered in the 6CONECTA application to download said documentation, resulting in a reduction in costs, time and space for customers.
The 6CONECTA application stores the documentation in an orderly manner, allowing its subsequent search and use quickly and efficiently

2.1.- User Registration.

To access the User Area of ​​the 6CONECTA Application, the User's registration is necessary, which will be done through a registration form, as well as through the sending by AREASEYS of access and identification codes.
The information and data to be provided will be truthful and accurate, in any case the User being responsible for the false or inaccurate statements made and for the possible damages that may be caused to AREASEYS.
Once the first access to the 6CONECTA application has been made, the User must modify the initial access password for a personal password, which must follow the indications of complexity and length, as well as it will have a predefined expiration date by AREASEYS.
The User may freely choose the password he wishes and it will be for his exclusive use; password that must contain between six and eight characters.
The custody of the user identifier and the password associated with it is the User's obligation; therefore, their custody, their confidentiality and the correct use thereof are the sole responsibility of the User.
The user's access password will be saved by the application in an encrypted manner, without being known by AREASEYS. In this way, users are the only ones who know the access passwords, being obliged to guard and maintain the absolute confidentiality of the access codes to the User Area, forcing themselves not to share these access codes to the Platform, being responsible of the consequences that could derive from the misuse, disclosure or loss of the same.
In the event of loss or forgetting of the access password, the user may request AREASEYS to regenerate a new temporary access password to said Private area, which will be communicated to the registration email address. This temporary access password must be changed by the user when accessing the User Area for a new personal password, in accordance with what has been established previously.
To access the User Area of ​​the 6CONECTA Application, the User's registration is necessary, which will be done through a registration form, as well as through the sending by AREASEYS of access and identification codes.
The information and data to be provided will be truthful and accurate, in any case the User being responsible for the false or inaccurate statements made and for the possible damages that may be caused to AREASEYS.
Once the first access to the 6CONECTA application has been made, the User must modify the initial access password for a personal password, which must follow the indications of complexity and length, as well as it will have a predefined expiration date by AREASEYS.
The User may freely choose the password he wishes and it will be for his exclusive use; password that must contain between six and eight characters.
The custody of the user identifier and the password associated with it is the User's obligation; therefore, their custody, their confidentiality and the correct use thereof are the sole responsibility of the User.
The user's access password will be saved by the application in an encrypted manner, without being known by AREASEYS. In this way, users are the only ones who know the access passwords, being obliged to guard and maintain the absolute confidentiality of the access codes to the User Area, forcing themselves not to share these access codes to the Platform, being responsible of the consequences that could derive from the misuse, disclosure or loss of the same.
In the event of loss or forgetting of the access password, the user may request AREASEYS to regenerate a new temporary access password to said Private area, which will be communicated to the registration email address. This temporary access password must be changed by the user when accessing the User Area for a new personal password, in accordance with what has been established previously.
The user acknowledges and accepts that any activity carried out in the User Area, using the login or password assigned to him, will be his sole responsibility for all purposes, as long as he has not previously communicated to AREASEYS the fact of that the login and password used were no longer secure. For this reason and except in the case of the previously foreseen communication, the User will be solely and exclusively responsible for the damages, expenses of the use of the Service by third parties and consequences that may arise from the loss, theft, disclosure to third parties, or breach of the guardianship and custody obligations assumed by the User.

2.2. Access and use restrictions.

AREASEYS recommends that Users never access the User Area of ​​the 6CONECTA application from through search engines, intermediate pages or links in e-mails, since there are fraudulent practices that consist of links to pages that may seem familiar to you, since they use the image and the name of the entity to be impersonated. In this way they present pages that are very similar or even exact to the legitimate entity.
Even when the User has accessed the User Area himself, we recommend that he verify that the address that appears in the browser or internet application used is correct since, as indicated in the previous section, there are fraudulent practices through search engines, pages intermediate or links in e-mails that lead to pages that may seem familiar since they use the image and name of the entity to be impersonated, in this way they present pages that are very similar or even exact to those of the legitimate entity.
When using a public or shared computer, when leaving your job don't forget to:
1. Clear the browser cache.
2. Carry out the disconnection by pressing the 'Exit' button.
• Do not reveal your User Code and Password to anyone, even when they request it on behalf of AREASEYS.
• Neither should you provide them on web pages outside AREASEYS, special care is recommended with the links as some lead to pages that seem legitimate.
• When selecting your password to access AREASEYS, we recommend that you do not use trivial or easily deductible codes, such as the date of birth or the telephone number. The combination of numbers and letters is a good alternative.
• It is convenient to memorize the passwords / access codes, avoiding writing them on paper, on the computer's hard drive or in the reminder windows of the computer.

2.3.- General Obligations of the Registered User in the 6CONECTA application.

The use of the functionalities of the User Area of ​​Application 6 CONECTA, must obey the content of these Particular Conditions, and any applicable legal provisions. AREASEYS reserves the unilateral right to deny access to the User Area of ​​the 6CONECTA Application to those Users who fail to comply with these Particular Conditions of Use.
The User undertakes to communicate to AREASEYS any variation in the data of the users authorized by him; In the event that AREASEYS detects the attempt to access the User Area of ​​the 6CONECTA application by unauthorized Users, it will immediately block the user's access credentials and communicate said access attempt to the contact addresses provided in the Registration.
The User, by accepting these Particular Conditions of Use, expressly agrees to:
a) Not to carry out any action intended to damage, block, damage, disable, overload, temporarily or permanently, the functionalities, tools or infrastructure of the Private Area, in a way that prevents its normal use.
b) Make an unauthorized or fraudulent use of the 6CONECTA application, for illegal purposes or effects, prohibited in these Particular Conditions, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or that in any way may damage, disable, overload, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of the Services, computer equipment or documents, files and all kinds of content stored on any computer equipment.
c) Access or attempt to access resources or restricted areas of the 6CONECTA application, without meeting the conditions required for such access.
d) Causing damage to the physical or logical systems of the 6CONECTA application of its suppliers or third parties.
e) Introducing or spreading computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that are likely to cause damage to the physical or logical systems of AREASEYS, its suppliers or third parties in the 6CONECTA application.
f) Delete, hide or manipulate the notes on intellectual or industrial property rights and other data identifying the rights of ARESEYS.
g) The User agrees not to transmit, disseminate or make available to third parties information, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and / or image files, photographs, recordings, software and, in general, any kind of material that:
- In any way, is contrary, disparages or violates the fundamental rights and public freedoms recognized by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, in the International Treaties and in the rest of the legislation of the European Union.
- Induce, incite or promote criminal, denigrating, defamatory, infamous, violent actions or, in general, contrary to the Law, morality and generally accepted good customs or public order.
- Induce, incite or promote discriminatory actions, attitudes or thoughts based on sex, race, religion, beliefs, age or condition.
- Incorporate, make available or allow access to products, elements, messages and / or services that are criminal, violent, offensive, harmful, degrading or, in general, contrary to the law, morality and generally accepted good customs or order public.
The User will be liable for all damages of any kind that AREASEYS or any third party may suffer as a result of the breach of any of the obligations to which they are subject by virtue of these Particular Conditions of Use or the law in relation to the access and / or use of the 6CONECTA application.


It will be the responsibility of AREASEYS to do everything materially possible so that the Service is accessible 24 hours a day and 7 days a week; Users expressly acknowledge that it is not possible to guarantee such universal access.
AREASEYS does not guarantee continued access, nor the correct viewing, downloading or usefulness of the elements and information contained in the User Area of ​​the 6CONECTA Application that may be impeded, hindered or interrupted by factors or circumstances beyond its control or beyond its control. will, or those that are produced by the existence of computer viruses on the Internet.
ARESEYS does not offer any guarantee that the equipment or device from which the user accesses the Private Area is compatible. Therefore, AREASEYS does not assume any responsibility for damages, losses, losses, claims or expenses, produced by:
• Interferences, interruptions, failures, omissions, delays, blockages or disconnections, caused by errors in telecommunications lines and networks or by any other cause beyond the control of AREASEYS.
• Illegitimate interference through the use of malicious programs of any kind and through any means of communication, such as computer viruses or any other.
• Improper or inappropriate use of the 6CONECTA application.
• Security or navigation errors produced by a malfunction of the browser or by the use of outdated versions.
AREASEYS does not assume any other obligation nor does it provide any other guarantee, express or implicit, in addition to those expressly provided in these Particular Conditions, being in all cases excluded any contractual or extra-contractual liability of AREASEYS for direct and indirect damages of any kind and to any title, suffered by the User or third parties, including damages derived from the use or non-use of the Private Area.
AREASEYS will be exempt from any responsibility, to the fullest extent allowed by current legislation on the matter, for damages of any kind that may be due to the lack of availability or continuity in the operation of the Service, as well as errors in the access to the User Area of ​​the 6CONECTA application.
ARESEYS reserves the right to interrupt the Service due to maintenance or improvement works, previously communicating to the User's contact addresses the dates and times of such actions.


AREASEYS declares that it complies with current regulations regarding data protection, in particular EU Regulation 679/2016 of April 26, General Data Protection Regulation, Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Data Protection Personal and Guarantee of Digital Rights.
AREASEYS maintains the security levels of protection of personal data required by law and has established all the technical means at its disposal to avoid loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the data that the user provides, either through the website or directly.
AREASEYS only processes the User's personal data in relation to the use of the application by the User, in order to:
• Manage registration in the registration area and access to the application.
• Guarantee the technical functioning of the Service.
AREASEYS declares that it only collects from the Users the essential data for the correct provision of the Services, being kept only for the necessary time.
Any User may exercise the rights recognized by current regulations, under the terms and conditions provided, in accordance with the provisions of the PRIVACY POLICY.


The 6CONECTA Application is hosted on AREASEYS servers. It declares under its responsibility that it has all the necessary security measures, both physical and logical, that ensure the integrity of its systems.
In compliance with article 28 of EU Regulation 2016/679, General Data Protection Regulation, for the execution of the services derived from the fulfillment of the object of this assignment, AREASEYS may access within the provision of the contracted services to information and data responsibility of the User.
The purpose of the treatment is the provision of the services of the 6CONECTA application, support and maintenance and data hosting on storage servers.
AREASEYS and all its personnel undertake to:
◦ Access the personal data responsibility of the User only when it is essential for the proper development of the services for which it has been hired.
- Treat the data in accordance with the instructions received from the User, as well as send and make the data available to third parties in accordance with the instructions and mandates received from the User. In such cases, AREASEYS, always following the instructions and express indications of the Client, will proceed to send and / or transmit, within the same 6CONECTA application or through other platforms or documentary applications, whether or not they are analogous to the 6CONECTA application, documents, data or information already loaded / uploaded in the 6CONECTA application, in order to facilitate the Client with document management procedures or other obligations that the Client has with other entities.
- It will not allocate, apply or use the personal data that is the responsibility of the User, which it may access or carry out treatment operations for a purpose other than that indicated.
- It undertakes to apply the security measures, in accordance with the provisions of article 32 of EU Regulation 679/2016, that guarantee the security of personal data that is the responsibility of the User and that prevent its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access. , taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the stored data and the risks to which they are exposed, whether they come from human action or from the physical or natural environment.
- Respect all the obligations that may correspond to you as the person in charge of the treatment in accordance with current legal regulations or any other provision or complementary regulation that is equally applicable.
- Assume the condition of data controller in the event that the data is used for another purpose other than the fulfillment of the object of the contract, communicates or uses them in breach of the stipulations of the contract or the obligations of current regulations, responding to the infractions in which would have incurred personally.


Copyright, exploitation rights and all rights derived from property, both intellectual and industrial, in relation to the Private Area, as well as the information or elements contained therein, including texts, documents, photographs, drawings, graphic representations, logos, trademarks, trade names or other distinctive signs, hereinafter defined as a whole as Contents, they are protected by intellectual and / or industrial property rights, being the property of AREASEYS, or of third parties on those that AREASEYS hold authorization for the exploitation of the same by the legitimate owners.
The access and use by the User of the User Area of ​​the 6CONECTA Application and the express acceptance of these Particular Conditions, cannot be considered as a transmission or assignment of the aforementioned intellectual and industrial property rights, which will continue to be the property of AREASEYS and its legitimate owners. Specifically, all the intellectual and industrial property rights of the 6CONECTA application and any of the modifications made to them will belong to AREASEYS.
In no case, access by the User to the 6CONECTA application implies any type of waiver, transmission, license or total or partial cession of said rights, unless expressly stated otherwise. These Particular Conditions of Use do not confer on Users any other right of use, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of the 6CONECTA application other than those expressly provided herein. Any other use or exploitation of any rights will be subject to the prior and express authorization specifically granted for this purpose by AREASEYS and / or its legitimate owners.
The use of such elements, their reproduction, communication and / or distribution for commercial or lucrative purposes, as well as their modification, alteration, or decompilation is strictly prohibited. For any other use other than those expressly permitted, it will be necessary to obtain the prior written consent of the owner of the rights in question.


The contents, documentation and files that the User proceeds to load in the user area of ​​the 6CONECTA application are solely and exclusively the responsibility of the User, without AREASEYS guaranteeing the veracity of said information and data at any time. In any case, the User will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and for the damages that may be caused to AREASEYS or to third parties by such information that they provide.
All notifications, requirements, requests and other communications that have to be made by the parties in relation to these Particular Conditions, must be made in writing and it will be understood that they have been duly made when they have been delivered by hand or sent by ordinary mail to address of the other party or to the email address of the other party, or to any other address or email address that each party may indicate to the other for these purposes.


In no case will ARERASEYS be responsible for any indirect or mediate damages, including, without limitation or restriction, damages for lost profits, damages to the reputation of the company or its business, loss of data or use caused by the products and services provided by AREASEYS, or by the use, misuse or non-use by the User and their employees and / or collaborators of the functionalities available in the User Area of ​​the 6CONECTA application.
6CONECTA does not assume any other obligation and does not provide any other guarantee, express or implicit, in addition to those expressly provided in these Particular Conditions and those established contractually between AREASEYS and its CLIENTS, being in all cases excluded any contractual or extra-contractual liability of AREASEYS for direct and indirect damages of any kind and to any title, suffered by the User or third parties, including damages derived from the use or non-use of the User Area of ​​the 6CONECTA Application, except in the case of 'fraud or gross negligence'.
Any decrease in the use or availability of the 6CONECTA application may not serve as a pretext for the User to stop complying with the obligations contracted in accordance with AREASEYS.
In relation to the services that the 6CONECTA application facilitates to the Client for the referral / transmission of documents to other entities, in no case AREASEYS assumes a contractual relationship or any obligation (pecuniary or non-pecuniary) with third entities, to which the Client indicates to AREASEYS that you must upload your documentation or data.


Both AREASEYS and the User, expressly waiving their own jurisdiction, accept as governing legislation of these Particular Conditions of access to the User Area of ​​the 6CONECTA application to the Current Spanish Legislation, declaring it as the only law applicable to the obligations arising between them , resorting in a supplementary way to the common legislation.
Both AREASEYS and the User will try to resolve their differences with respect to these Particular Conditions in a friendly manner. In the event that no agreement is reached, the parties submit for the resolution of any disputes that may arise to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid.
If any clause or section of these Particular Conditions, which is not essential for its existence, is declared null or unenforceable, the validity of the remaining clauses will not be affected.

6conecta by AREASEYS

Everything you need in just one application.