Data protection is framed within the protection of the rights and freedoms of natural persons in relation to the processing of their personal data, understood as all information about an identified or identifiable natural person.

1.- Who is responsible for the personal data used for registration, access and use of the 6CONECTA application?

The person responsible for the treatment of the personal data that is provided for the registration, access and use of the 6CONECTA application is:AREA DE SEGURIDAD Y SALUD, S.L. – AREASEYS
Calle Miguel Yuste, nº 17, Planta 2ª Oficina D. 28037 Madrid
Delegado de Protección de datos:

2.- What personal data are processed?

For the user registration of the 6CONECTA application, it is necessary that we process the following personal data:Datos identificativos: nombre y apellidos, nombre de usuario de la aplicación.
• Professional data: Company to which the user belongs, job position, contact address, email address, telephone.
• Company Information: Company name, CIF, postal and electronic address, telephone.

3.- For what purpose is the processing of personal data carried out?

• User Registration: Registration of a user registered in the 6CONECTA application.
• Access management to the 6CONECTA Application: Manage access to the 6CONECTA application, management of access credentials, support and maintenance of the 6CONECTA application.
• Analysis of usability and quality: Management of navigation data for analytical and statistical purposes, so that we can improve the 6CONECTA application and adapt it to the way our users access and navigate through it.
• For the fulfillment of our legal obligations: Fulfillment of the legal obligations that correspond to ARESEYS, support and maintenance, attention of claims and management of rights.

4.- What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?

• User Registration: The basis that legitimizes the treatment is the consent or the existence of a legal relationship between the company in which the User provides services and AREASEYS.
• Management of access to the 6CONECTA Application: The basis that legitimizes the treatment is the execution of the service contract for the use of the 6CONECTA application.
• Analysis of usability and quality: The basis that legitimizes the treatment is the legitimate interest to analyze the usability and degree of user satisfaction with the 6CONECTA application.
• For the fulfillment of our legal obligations: We will treat the data based on the legal obligations that correspond to us.

5.- How long will we keep your data?

• User Registration: The basis that legitimizes the treatment is the consent or the existence of a legal relationship between the company in which the User provides services and AREASEYS.
• Management of access to the 6CONECTA Application: The basis that legitimizes the treatment is the execution of the service contract for the use of the 6CONECTA application.
• Analysis of usability and quality: The basis that legitimizes the treatment is the legitimate interest to analyze the usability and degree of user satisfaction with the 6CONECTA application.
• For the fulfillment of our legal obligations: We will treat the data based on the legal obligations that correspond to us.

6.- With whom do we share your data?

AREASEYS informs you, expressly, that it will only communicate the data to those agencies and entities of the Public Administration with competence in the matter in accordance with current legal regulations.
In relation to access to data, documents and files uploaded by the User within the 6CONECTA application, they will be communicated to those entities and companies identified by the User; Likewise, said data may be accessed by entities that provide services to ARESEYS, as data managers and with whom AREASEYS has established service provision agreements as data processor, in accordance with current legal regulations.

7.- What are your rights?

In accordance with current community regulations (EU Regulation 679/2016, of April 27) and Spanish (Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5) you have the possibility of exercising the following very personal rights, credibly proving your identity, either through electronic means or through written communication addressed to our Data Protection Delegate.
Your rights are the following:
• Right of access to the information that we have regarding your person, specifying the purposes of the treatment that we carry out and the communications that we have made to third administrations and companies, because they are authorized by law or because they are necessary for the provision of the service .
• Right to rectify your data, by which we will update and update the information and data that we have according to the information you provide us.
• Right to delete your data, once the legal retention periods established by the applicable regulations have been fulfilled.
• The right to oppose us to carry out any activity to process your data, through the revocation of your authorization / consent.
• Right to limit the processing of your data, as in the event that you file a claim or want us to keep your data for a longer period, avoiding its deletion.
In addition, we inform you that you can always go to the Spanish Data Protection Control Authority (Spanish Data Protection Agency, to request their protection or file a claim in relation to the processing of personal data.

8.- Where do I exercise my rights?

To exercise these rights, you can contact us through the following email:, indicating in your request your full name and the right you exercise, accompanied by a copy of your ID or equivalent document proving your identity.

9.- Security of your data.

We have organizational and technical measures to protect your personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration and / or destruction. Unfortunately, the security of any data transmission or storage system cannot be fully guaranteed. If you suspect that your interaction with us is no longer secure, please notify our Data Protection Officer immediately at the address:

6conecta by AREASEYS

Everything you need in just one application.