Through this Policy, AREA DE SEGURIDAD Y SALUD, S.L. (hereinafter, AREASEYS), wants to inform you that within the access to the user area of 6CONECTA, a PRL and CAE application tool, it only collects IP address data through its own functional cookies and third-party functional and analytical cookies .

What are cookies?

They are small text files that are transmitted to your device when the user accesses the web and the private application, views, in a new navigation window, documents, files and / or forms, or proceeds to upload and / or download. said documents, files, and / or forms.

Cookies type

Cookies are divided into several types of classifications: by who is using said cookies (own or third-party), by their duration (session, permanent) and by the purpose of their use (functional / technical, analytical, personalization, advertising, among others).
There are 2 types of cookie duration:
a) Session cookies that are temporary and will only be stored in the memory of your browser while it is open. As soon as the browser is closed, the cookie will be removed from your history.
b) Persistent cookies that have an expiration date attached to them. These cookies are not deleted when the browser is closed, but are deleted once the expiration date has been reached. These durations are set according to the purpose of the cookies. You can also manually delete these cookies.
Cookies can come from different sources:
a) First party cookies are created by the website you are visiting.
b) Third-party cookies are created by external providers and placed by the website owner for different purposes.
You can find more information about cookies, including how to see which cookies have been set on your device and how to manage and delete them, at and

Use of cookies

AREASEYS uses its own functional cookies and third-party providers: Hotjar. Through them we only obtain information about the IP address and connection date, but we do not process this information since we have configured them so that they are only stored on your computer during the browsing session.
· Duration: Session
· Target: This cookie is used to count the times that a website has been visited by different visitors. This is achieved by assigning a random ID to the visitor, to avoid double registration of the visitor.
· Cookie: _hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress
· Type: Functional cookie
· Duration: 30 minutes
· Target: This session cookie is configured to allow Hotjar to know if users are included in the data sample defined by the limit of page views.
· Cookie: _hjIncludedInPageviewSample
· Type: Analytical Cookie
· Duration: 1 year
· Target: This cookie is set when the client first reaches a page with the Hotjar script. It is used to preserve the Hotjar user ID, unique for that site in the browser.
· Cookie: _hjid
· Type: Functional cookie
Information regarding the processing of personal data carried out through own cookies:
- Responsable: AREA DE SEGURIDAD Y SALUD, S.L. – AREASEYS, Calle Miguel Yuste, nº 17, Planta 2ª Oficina D. 28037 Madrid, CIF:B86150109
- Information captured: Dirección IP, fecha y hora de conexión.
- Finali Purpose dad:Identifies the user in the server session, identifies the user allowing him to navigate the page. Informs the user of the cookies and collects their acceptance or rejection of them.
- Legitimizing base: Legitimate interest of the person responsible for functional and / or technical cookies, consent of the interested party.
- Retention period: They are kept as long as the browser session is active, being automatically deleted at the end of said session.
- Rights: The user can request the exercise of their rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation of treatment and portability, when applicable, as well as revoke their consent, regarding the treatment for which AREA DE SEGURIDAD Y SALUD, S.L. is responsible. - AREASEYS by writing to the electronic address of the Data Protection Officer or to the postal address, proving your identity.Likewise, the user has the right to file a claim with a competent control authority. In Spain, the Competent Authority is the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, accessible from

Cookies de Terceros: HOTJAR

We use Hotjar to better understand the needs of our users and to optimize this service and experience. Hotjar is a technology service that helps us better understand the experience of our users (for example, how much time they spend on which pages, which links they choose to click) and this allows us to build and maintain our service with user feedback. Hotjar uses cookies and other technologies to collect data about the behavior of our users and their devices, such as the IP address of the device (processed during your session and stored anonymously), the size of the device screen, the type of device ( unique device identifiers), browser information. Hotjar stores this information on our behalf in a pseudonymized user profile.
Hotjar is contractually prohibited from selling any of the data collected on our behalf.
For more information you can access the following links:

Cookie settings

The user can block Cookies through the browser's configuration tools, or they can configure their browser to notify them when a Web Server wants to save a Cookie:
• If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer, you will find the option in the Tools> Internet Options> Privacy> Settings menu
More information at
• If you use Firefox, you will find the option in the Tools> Options> Privacy> Cookies menu.
More information at
• If you use Chrome, in the Options section> Advanced options> Privacy.
More information at
• If you use Opera, in the Security and Privacy option, you can configure the browser.
Para saber más
• If you use Safari you will find the option in the Preferences / Privacy menu.
More information at:

6conecta by AREASEYS

Everything you need in just one application.